Dr. Lamberto RE

Lamberto Re was born in Ancona, Italy, September 24th, 19501973 -1983
Student in the Pharmacological Department of the University of Ancona, Medical School.
Medical Doctor Degree in 1983.
State Certificate in November 1983.

1989 … Included in the Disciplinary Group n. 70(BIO 14)by the Official National Commission since 22nd June, 1989.Former Professor of “Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology” in the Medical Faculty of the University of Ancona.Former Professor of”Pharmacological Biotechnology” and “Pharmacology” in the Science Faculty of the same University.Expert of basic experimental techniques in Pharmacology such as in-vitro assays and in-vivo experimental Toxicology. In collaboration with Dr Walter Stühmerand Dr. Erwin Neher of the Max Plank Institute in Gottingen, has become expertinthe Loose Patch Clamp and Patch ClampTechniquesfor the characterization of the synaptic transmission in central and peripheralsynapses.Participated at a “Working Stage Training” held at the FIDIA-Georgetown Institute for the Neuroscience, Georgetown University Medical School of Washington (USA)in the year 1990.Invited by the Editorial Board of the Archives of Medical Research wasincluded in the International Editorial Committee since July 1994. Referee of the following international journals: Life Sciences (Pharmacology Letters), Pharmacological Research, General Pharmacology, Archives of Medical Research, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, Chemical Biology & Drug Design.After afirst approach toHerbal MedicineandNatural Medicine, started in the year1993 hisinterest in the fieldof OzoneTherapy. He investigatedwith basic andclinicalstudiesthe characterization of the mechanisms of actionofozone-oxygen mixtures.

He publishedin the year 1999afirstbasic workthatdemonstrated amodulating effectonthe intracellular calciuminduced bylow doses ofozone.Since that time he was engaged inafull-timeresearchandclinical activitiesacquiringextensive experiencein the field ofthe treatmentwithoxygen ozonemixtures.He is nowadays recognized as one of the highestinternational expert in the field of ozone therapy.Invited at the III International Symposium on Receptors held at the University of Chile, Medical School of Santiago, April 23rd–25th, 1996.Participated to the Congress on the definition of the guidelines in ozone-therapy held in Padua, IT, from 21stto 22ndSeptember, 2001.Invited at the 15thInternational Congress of the International Ozone Association held in London, UK, 10th–15thSeptember 2001 participated as Chairman and with an oral presentation to the Workshop.Invited by the DOHMSof Dubai, UAE, where participated to an epidemiological pilot study for the evaluation of the therapeutic potential of oxygen-ozone mixtures. The study started in September 2002 atRashid Hospital, P.O. Box : 4545, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.Till today he is the only MD recognized as Ozone Therapist by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA) allowed to practice this therapy in the UAE.InvitedasSenior Expert at theComplementary and Alternative Evidence Based Medicine, held inDubai October 6th2004 at theAl Amal Hospital, Jumeira, Dubai.Invited asChairman at theArab Health 2005 Congress, Complementary Medicine Conference, held inDubai, UAE,February, 12nd13rd2005.Invited as Honorary Member of the Cuban Pharmacology Society at the “VI Congress ofPharmacology and Therapeutics” held in Santiago de Cuba from 21 till 25 of November 2005.Invited as Speaker at the 4° European CourseECM “minimally invasive surgery of the spine: ozone challenge”,Treviso, Italy,February, 24-25,2006.Invitedas anInternationalExpertat the 1st”InternationalCongress of Ozone Therapy”, Belo Horizonte,Brazil, 28-30 April 2006. Attended to the constitution of the Brazil Society of Ozone TherapyABOZ.Professor and Lecturer on Ozone Therapy and its Medical Uses in Sport and other pain related disorders performed Courses in the USA (Phil Mollica ODS Center January 2008)andin Dubai (CAM service of Minister of Health, 2005-2008). Invited as “Expert International in Ozonoterapie” at the “Casa Adam Muller”, Guttembrunn Timisoara, Rumania to take part at a conference on Ozone Application in October 26th2006.Invited as Chairman at the “International Congress” on “Ozone in Medicine”, European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies, Baden-Baden, November 1st2008.

Invited as Speaker at the Primer Congreso Internacional de Aepromo “Nuevos Horizontes Para la Ozonoterapia”, Pontevedra, Spain, June 5th 2009.Participated as Lecturer at the IOA international Congress of Tokyo, September 2009.Invited from the Medical Committee of the Egyptian Navy Alessandria, to the 4th Annual Scientific Conference of Naval & Hyperbaric Medicine, Ozone as helpful agent (November 2009). Invited to be part of theScientific Committee, and as a speaker at the “International Encounter of Ozone Therapy Schools” held at the headquarters of the National Royal Academy of Medicine (RANM for its acronym in Spanish) located in the capital of the Kingdom of Spain, on Thursday the 3rdand Friday the 4th of June 2010. Event declared of “Health Interest” he has been one of the active Promoting Members of the Madrid Declaration on Ozone Therapy towards the aim of setting worldwide measures how to practice ozone therapy to prevent its misuse and fulfilling the maximum benefit.In the last years participated upon invitation as speaker and chairman to the most important international events in the field of Ozone application included Mexico 2010, Brescia 2011,Istanbul 2011, Rio de Janeiro 2011.Invited in the year 2011 from the Court of Arbitration of Sport in Losanna(CH)to clarify the effects of ozone in the Sport and in the doping context. The question was discussed at the Court of Lausanne where we clarify to the Judges and to the experts of the Italian Committee (CONI) the scientific data concerning ozone therapy.Invited to the “Advances in Evidence Based Integrative Medicine” Held in Dubai, Dubai Healthcare City, 17 May 2012.Invited as Speakerat the first international symposium on ozone therapy held at the Medical Faculty of the University of Chile, Santiago, October 12-13, 2012.Awarded at theVI FIO National Congress with “Prize Francesco Riccardo Monti” II Edition, Thursday May 9th, 2013, Accademia dei Georgofili, Loggiato degli Uffizi Corti, Florence, Italy.Invited as Chairman and Speaker at the IV WCOOT held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 30th, November 1st2013.Invited to participate as lecturer and expert to the international course on ozonetherapy and dentistry organized by Dr John Rothchild in Durango, Denver (CO-USA), under the Auspicesof the American College of Integrative Medicine and Dentistry LLC.President of the Organizing Committeefor the conference on the state of the art in the field of Ozone Therapy in Abu Dhabi under the High Patronage of the Ministry of Health, UAE and of H. H. SHEIKH NAHYAN BIN MUBARAK AL NAHYAN, Minister Of Culture, Youth and Community Development, April 2014.Memberand Co-Founderof the Society “PotenziAttiva” withthe task ofproposing and supportingscientific and ethicaltherapeutic resourcesaddressed to the “HumanEnhancement”, made inRome (Italy)on 15 July2014.

Invited by the American Academy of Ozone Therapy at the 2015 AAO Annual Meeting in Dallas, February 2015 he discussed the more recent biochemical pathways related to ozone and xenobiotics biological effects.With the valuable help of Dr. Jose Baeza Noci, he was enthusiastically engaged in the reconstitution of the first world ozone organization WFOT (www.wfoot.org) where he is recognized as Chairman of the Scientific Committees. President of the Italian Federation of Ozone Therapy(FIO)since June 2015. Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the 5thCongress of the Spanish Society of Ozone Therapy, SEOT, held in Cordoba, Spain, May 13thtill May 14th2016.Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the National Conference of Ozone Therapy organized by S.S.R.O.O.T., Bucharest, Romania, May 28th2016.Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the 8thAnnual Conference of CFOT Meeting held in URUMQI, China, from September 27thtill August 1st2016.Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the Ozone Therapy Course held in Tokyo, Japan, from September 18thtill September 20th2016.Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the event Frontiers In Ozone Conference held in Santa Barbara, California, USAfrom November 3rdtill November 5th2016.In this occasion he was awarded as Ambassador of Ozone Therapy in the World.Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the Ozone Forum of Indiaheld in Mumbai, India, on 18th, 19th, 20thNovember2016.Professor of the Completion Course in Ozone Therapyactivated at the University of Chieti in the academic year 2016/2017.Invited as Speaker at the European Ozone Congress in the Charité Center of Berlin, March 24 –26, 2017.Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the 9thAnnual Conference of CFOT Meeting held in XianYang, China, from July 1sttill July 3rd2017.President of the World Conference on Ozone Therapy in Medicine, Dentistry and Veterinary, Ancona (Italy) -September 22nd, 23rd, 24th2017, with the participation of 230 colleagues and 55 international speakers representing 27 countries all over the world.Invited as Member of the Scientific Boardof the O3 Crowd Group (Member of the Scientific Board of O3 Crowd (www.o3crowd.org/scientific-board) since April 2018.

Invited as Honorary Guest and International Recognized Speakerat the Canton Intervention Forum and 6thWFOT Conference held in Guangzhou, China, from November 8th till November 11th2018.Invited as Honorary Speaker at the eventOzone Without Borders, Costarica, April 2019.Invited as Special Guest at Ozone Forum of India to be held in Mumbai, India 6-8 November 2019.Invited at China Interventional Materials and Engineering Forum, 6-8-December 2019, Shanghai, China.Invited to delivera Masterly Reading at the FILAOT CILA 2019 meeting, Chile, April2020.Member of the Italian Pharmacological Society since 1978;Member of the Latino American Society of Natural and Traditional Medicine since 1994;Member of the Italian Medical Ozone Association since November 1999;Member of the Italian Federation of Ozone (FIO) since its foundation;Member of the AEPROMOSpanish Association since 2008;Member of the ISCO3 Board since its Foundation in 2010.Resigned in date April 2014Honorary Member of SOVEOT, Venezuelan Society of Ozone Therapy since April 2011. Chairman of the Scientific CommitteeBoard of WFOT since2015.Author of 200publications in extenso(http://www.lambertore.com/wp-content/uploads/Elenco-Pubblicazioni-e-Comunicazioni.pdf).Among these 130on international journals and cited in the Journal Citation Reports with a mean impact factor of 2.85.Since 1996 produced85scientific contributionson the pharmacologicalcharacterization andclinical applicationsof Ozone Therapy.Languages: English, written and spoken; Spanish, spoken.CV in extenso at the web sitewww.lambertore.comActual locationwww.medinatsrl.com

Publicationsin the field of Ozone Therapy

1-L. Re, A. Valli, S. Barocci, Giammarchi V., Serresi, M., Faini, T., Ricci, M., Morales, M.A. and León-Fernández, O.S, Effects of low oxygen-ozone concentrations on the acetylcholine release at the mouse neuromuscular junction, Gen. Pharmacol., 32(2), 245-250, 1999.
2-L. Re, Ossigeno-Ozono terapia in un paziente sofferente di Lupus Eritematoso Sistemico: Case Report,in “L’ozonoterapia nel 2000”, Eds. Libreria Cortina Torino, pagg. 137:139, 1999.
3-L. Re, Effetti di basse concentrazioni di ossigeno-ozono sul rilascio di acetilcolina nella placca neuromuscolare,in “L’ozonoterapia nel 2000”, Eds. Libreria Cortina Torino, pagg. 113:118, 1999.
4-L. Re, Molecular basis of the ozone-oxygen therapy: perspectives and therapeutic potential,PhleboLymphology, Special Issue, November 18-20, 1999, pag. 108.
5-S. M. Al-Dalain, G. M. Sánchez, E. Candelario-Jalil, S. Menendez, L. Re,A. Giuliani, O. S. León-Fernández, Ozone treatment reduces biomarkers of oxidative and endothelial damage in an experimental diabetes model in rats,Pharmacol Res,Vol 44(5), 391-396, 2001.
6-H Ajameh, N Merino, E. Candelario-Jalil, S. Menendez, G. M. Sánchez, L. Re,A. Giuliani, O. S. León-Fernández, Similar protective effect of ischemic and ozone oxidative preconditioning in liver ischaemia/reperfusion injury,Pharmacol Res,Vol. 45(4), 333-339, 2002.
7-Lamberto Ree Francesca Rossini, Ossigeno-Ozono Terapia nello Sport: Case Report, L’Allenatore, FIGC, Vol. 6, 29-30, 2003.
8-Ajamieh HH, Menéndez S, Martínez-Sánchez G, Candelario-Jalil E, Re L, Giuliani A and Olga Sonia León Fernández.Effects of ozone oxidative preconditioning on nitric oxide generation and cellular redox balance in a rat model of hepatic ischaemia-reperfusion.Liver International, 24, 55-62, 2004.
9-Hussam Hassam Ajamieh, Silvia Menéndez, Nelson Merino, Gregorio Martinez-Sanchez, Lamberto Re, Olga Sonia León,Ischaemic and Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning in the Protection Against Hepatic Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury, OSE/NG/01-35, Ozone Science & Engineering,2004.
10-Hussam H Ajamieh, Jorge Berlanga, Nelson Merino, Gregorio M. Sánchez, Eduardo C. Jalil, Silvia M. Cepero, Attilia Giuliani, Lamberto Re, Igor Popov, Olga S. León, Role of Protein Synthesis in the Protection Conferred by Ozone-Oxidative-Preconditioning in Hepatic Ischaemia/Reperfusion, Transplant International, 18, 604-612, 2005.
11-S. M. Al-Dalain, G. Martínez, S. Menéndez, L. Re, A. Giuliani, E. Candelario-Jalil, H. Álvarez, J. I. Fernández-Montequín and O. S. León.Therapeutic Efficacy of Ozone in Patients with Diabetic Foot, Eur J Pharmacol, 523, 151-161, 2005.
12-Lamberto Re, Mohamed N. Mawsouf, Silvia Menéndez ,Olga S. León , Gregorio M. Sánchez , Frank Hernández. Ozone Therapy: Clinical and Basic Evidence of its Therapeutic Potential, Archives Med Res, 39: 17-26, 2008.
13-Olga S. León Fernández, HH Ajamieh, Jorge Berlanga, Silvia Menéndez, Renate Viebahn-Hansler, Lamberto Re, Anna M Carmona. Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning is Mediated by A1 Adenosine Receptors in a Rat Model of Liver Ichemia/Reperfusion, Transpl Int. Jan; 21(1):39-48, 2008.
14-Silvia Méndez,Leopoldina Falcón, Mayulin B. Argote, Ivonne Menéndez, Dignora Fernández, Bárbara-Elías Calle, Magdalena Valero, Lamberto Re.Safety of Topical Oleozon® in the Treatment of Tinea Pedis: Phase IV Clinical Trial,Int Journal of Ozone Therapy, 7, 1, 55-59, 2008.
15-ReL, The therapy with Oxygen-Ozone or Ozohormesis: recent scientific advances (La terapia con Ossigeno-Ozonoo Ozormesi: recenti acquisizioni scientifiche), Medici & Medici, Bulletin of the Medical Board of Ancona, Italy, n. 16 July 2008, 19-21.
16-Lamberto Re, Giuseppe Malcangi, Alessandra Mercanti, Virginia Labate and Gregorio M. Sánchez, Ozone Therapy: A Clinical Study on the Pain Management,Int Journal of Ozone Therapy, 7, 1, 37-44, 2008.
17-A.M. Sheata, L. Re, O.M. Yousef, Ozone Preconditioning protects against rotenone-induced neurodegeneration in rats,Int Journal of Ozone Therapy, 7, 2, 114-120, 2008.
18-T. Tanbouli, M.N. Mawsouf, L. Re, G. Martínez-Sánchez, G. Saaed, S.M. El Badry and A.B. Nashed. Effect of Ozone Therapy on Foetoplacental Blood Flow in Hypertensive Pregnant Women. International Journal of Ozone Therapy8, 2009: 211-216.
19-Silvia Díaz-Llera,Yanela González-Hernández, Jorge E. González Mesa, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez and Lamberto Re. Induction of DNA primary damage in peripheral blood leukocytes and exfoliated colorectal epithelial cells in rats treated with ozone.International Journal of Ozone Therapy2009 8:217-221.
20-Re, Lamberto; Martínez-Sánchez, Gregorio; Sirito, Mario. Role of ozone/oxygen in fibroblast growth factor activation. Discovering the facts. International Journal of Ozone Therapy2010 9:55-58.
21-G. Martínez-Sánchez,L. Re, A. Giuliani, and G. Pérez-Davison. Ozone as U-Shaped Dose Responses Molecules (Hormetins). 10-001-DR. Dose Response, 9:32-49, 2011.
22-Re, Lambertoand Martinez-Sanchez, Gregorio. Clinical Evidences of Ozone Interaction with Pain Mediators.Saudi Med J, 32 (12), 1363-1367, 2011.

23-Nabil Mawsouf, Maha M. El-Sawalhi, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Hebatalla A. Darwish, Amira A. Shaheen, Lamberto Re. Effect of ozone therapy on redox status in experimentally induced arthritis, Revista Española de Ozonoterapia Vol 1, No 1 (2011): 32-43.

24-Adriana Schwartz, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Lamberto Re. Factores de crecimiento derivados de plaquetas y sus aplicaciones en medicina regenerativa. Potencialidades del uso del ozono como activador.Revista Española de Ozonoterapia Vol 1, No 1 (2011): 54-73.
25-Livan Delgado-Roche, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez,Arquímides Díaz-Batista,Lamberto Re. Effects of ozone therapy on oxidative stress biomarkers in coronary artery disease patients. In J Ozone Research 2011, 10(2):99-104.
26-Schwartz Adriana, Claudia Nikolaevna Kontorschikova, Oleg Vitorovich Malesnoko, Gregorio Martínez Sánchez, Lamberto Re, Irina Avenerovna Gribkova. “Guía para el uso médico del ozono -Fundamentos terapéuticos e indicaciones”, AEPROMO, 2011, 315 p. + XVIII + 11 p. láminas de color. ISBN: 978-84-615-2244-6.
27-Re L, Malcangi G, Martinez-Sanchez G. Medical ozone is now ready for a scientific challenge: current status and future perspectives. Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine 2012; 2(3):193-196.

28-Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Livan Delgado-Roche,Arquímides Díaz-Batista,Gema Pérez-Davison, Lamberto Re. Effects of ozone therapy on haemostatic and oxidative stress index in coronary artery disease.European Journal of Pharmacology, 691(2012)156–162.29-Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Silvia Menéndez-Cepero, Mirta Copello, Silvia Díaz-Llera,Lamberto Re. Rectal insufflations is a valid way in ozone therapy. Feedback on the “Oxygen-Ozone Therapy is at a Cross-Road”Rev. Esp. Ozono. 1(1):74-86,2012.30-Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Lamberto Re.Rectal administration and its application in ozone therapy. Int J Ozone Therapy, 11,1: 41-49, 2012.31-G. Martínez-Sánchez, L. Re. Las aplicaciones médicas de los aceites ozonizados, actualización.Revista Española de Ozonoterapia vol. 2, nº 1. pp. 121-139, 2012.32-Livan Delgado-Roche, Gregorio Martínez-Sánchez, Lamberto Re. Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning Prevents Atherosclerosis Development in New Zealand White Rabbits.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol,Volume 61, Number 2: 160-165, 2013.33-Lamberto Re, Martínez-Sánchez G, Bordicchia M, Malcangi G, Pocognoli A, Angel Morales-Segura M, Rothchild J, Rojas A., Is ozone pre-conditioning effect linked to Nrf2/EpREactivation pathway in vivo? A preliminary result. Eur J Pharmacol. 742: 158.162, 2104.34-ReL, Ulteriori Ricerche e Applicazioni nel campo dell’Ozono Terapia: Molto più di una “Ipotesi Terapeutica Non Convenzionale”, Medici & Medici, Bulletin of the MedicalBoard of Ancona, Italy, n. 13 September 2014, 19-21. 35-Lamberto Re, Giuseppe Malcangi, Oriano Mercante, Cristina Gagliardi and Nadia Rampoldi, Stevens-Johnson Syndrome Treated with Ozone Hemo Therapy: A Case Report,International Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Case Reports 4(4): 92-96, 2015.36-Lamberto Re, Nadia Maria Rampoldi, Malcangi Giuseppe, and Cristina Gagliardi, Further Research and Applications in the Field of Ozone Therapy: Much more than a “Therapeutic Unconventional Hypothesis”, J OzoneTher, in Press, 2015.37-Lamberto Re,Robert Rowen and Valter Travagli, Ozone Therapy and Its Use in Medicine, Cardiology 2016;134:99–100.38-Norberto Santana-Rodríguez, Pedro Llontop, Bernardino Clavo, Keila Zerecero, María D. Fiuza-Pérez, Trinidad Marchal, Wissam Raad, Ricardo García-Herrera, Khalid Alshehri, Adil Ayub, Chyun-Yin Jenny Huang, 39-Lamberto Re, Faiz Y Bhora,Ozone therapy protects against chronic rejection in a lung transplantation model: a new potential treatment? Ann Thorac Surg, Volume 104, Issue 2, Pages458–464, 201740-Re L, Molecular aspects and new biochemical pathways underlying ozone effects, Clin Exp Pharmacol 8: 248. doi:10.4172/2161-1459.1000248, 2018.41-Xiaofeng, He, Baeza Noci, Jose, GadhelaSerra, Maria Emilia, Mollica, Phil, Re, Lamberto, and Travagli, Valter Ozone Therapy and its uses in Medicine: Pitfalls, Misunderstandings and Safety,Regenerative Medicine, in press, 2019.42-Re, Lamberto,Xiaofeng, He, Baeza Noci, Jose, Gadhela Serra, Maria Emilia, Mollica, Phil, and Travagli, Valter Ozone Therapy : A Full Update of its Therapeutic Rationality following the System Medicine Approach, Antioxidant & Redox Signaling, in preparation, 2019.43-Lamberto Re,Marica Bordicchia,Giuseppe Malcangi, Cristina Gagliardi, Miguel Angel Morales-Segura, Patrizia del Medico, Ahmed Al Jaziri, John Rothchild and Armando Rojas, Ozone therapy and inflammation: an in vivostudy to evaluate the possible involvement of the GSH, TXN based system and NF-κB-dependent genes. A preliminary study, In preparation, 2019.

Communications in the field of Ozone Therapy

1-L. Re, P. Lattarulo, R. Vaccari Subcutaneous and intracavernousO2/O3 therapy in erectile dysfunction due to microvascular damage. Comparison with T.E.B. therapy,, Int. Journal of Impotence Res., San Francisco, CA, USA, 3-7 November, 1996.2-R. Vaccari, E. Azzolini, L. Re, M. Musillo and F. Pezzoni, Combined O2/O3 therapy and T.E.B. in erectile dysfunction due to microvascular damage, Madrid, Spagna, 1-5 November, 1997.3-L. Re, Loose Patch Clamp applied to the study of neurorelease: characterization of the oxygen-ozone mixtures molecular action in some biological functions, Ist Int Congress of the Cuban Society of Pharmacology, 19-23 Ottobre 1998, Habana, Cuba.4-L. Re, R. Vaccari, F. Pezzoni, Sildenafil (VIAGRA-TM) e O2-O3 terapia nel trattamento delle disfunzioni erettili di natura vascolare, Ist Int Congress of the CubanSociety of Pharmacology, 19-23 Ottobre 1998, Habana, Cuba.5-Olga Sonia León Fernández, L. Re, S. Menéndez, N. Merino, S. Sam and H. Ajamieh, Comparative Study Between Ischaemic and Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning in the Protection Against Hepatic Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury,Int. Cong. Pharmacol, CPT 2000, Florence, Brit J Clin Pharmaco, July 15-20, 2000.6-L. Re, S. Barocci, L. Rinaldi, C. Vivani, E. Mosca and G. Paolucci, Ozone as preventive agent of the oxidative cellular damage: an antiageing hypothesis,IOA World Congress, London, Imperial College, 9-16 September, 2001.7-Lamberto Reand Ahmed AL-Jaziri, First UAE Pilot Study on the Therapeutic Potential of the Ozone-Oxygen Mixtures, 4thINTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON OZONE APPLICATIONS,Havana City, April 6-9of 2004, Cuba.8-Lamberto Re, Oxygen-Ozone Therapy in the Sport: Case Report, Arab Health Conference, Complementary Medicine Section Dubai, UAE, February 13-16, 2005.9-O.S. León Fernández, G. Martínez-Sánchez, S. M Al-Dalain, E. Candelario-Jalil, A.M. Carmona, S. Menéndez, L Re, A Giuliani, Ozone Treatment Reduces Markers of Oxidative and Endothelial Damage in an Experimental Diabetes Model in Rats, (CU), 17thIOA World Congress, Strasbourg 22-25 August 2005.10-O.S. León Fernández, H.H. Ajamieh, G. Martinez-Sanchez, E. Candelario-Jalil, A.M. Carmona, S. Menendez, L. Re, A. Giuliani (CU), Effects of Ozone Oxidative Preconditioning on Nitric Oxide Generation and Cellular Redox Balance in a Rat Model of Hepatic Ischemia/Reperfusion, (CU), 17thIOA World Congress, Strasbourg 22-25 August 2005.11-Lamberto Re, The Role Of Ozone Therapy In Management of Diabetic Foot, Arab Health Conference, Complementary Medicine Section Dubai, UAE, January 22-25, 2006.12-Lamberto Re, Minha experiencia clinica, 1stCongresso Internacional de Ozonioterapia, Belo Horizonte, Brasil, April 28-30, 2006.13-Lamberto Re, Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Ozone Treatments, 5thInternational Symposium on Ozone Applications, Havana City, Cuba, April 23-26, 2007.14-Lamberto Re, Baiju Khanchandani, Pelle Daugaard Molecular Mechanisms Underlying Ozone Treatments: An Articular and Back Pain Case Study Series, 6thInterdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back & Pelvic Pain, Catalonia Palace of Congresses, Barcelona, Spain, November 07-10, 2007.15-L. Re, G. Malcangi, A. Mercanti, V. Labate, M. Bordicchia and G. M. Sánchez, Ozone Therapy on the Pain Management, European Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research, Berlin, Germany, Pag. 67-74, Editor Tilman Grune, Medimond, International Proceedings, July 05-09, 2008.16-G. Martinez-Sánchez and L. Re, Clinical Diagnostic of Redox Balance an Up-Date, European Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research, Berlin, Germany, Pag. 15-21, Editor Tilman Grune, Medimond, International, 2008.17-L. Re, G. Malcangi, A. Mercanti, L. Di Serafino, O.S. Leon Fernandez, G. Martínez-Sánchez. Ozone Therapy in the Management of Sport Pain. Role of Mitochondria.International Journal of Ozone Therapy2009 8(1): 28-33.18-M. Sirito, L. Re, G. Martínez-Sánchez. Role of Ozone/oxygen in Fibroblast Growth Factor Activation. Potential Use in Clinic and Aesthetic Practice. Discovering the Facts.International Journal of Ozone Therapy2009 8(1): 46-48.19-G Martínez-Sánchez, G Pérez Davison, G Malcangi, A Mercanti, L Re. Ozone as U-shaped dose responses molecules (Hormetin).Free Radical Research43Supplement 1, 2009, S45.20-L. Re; G Martínez-Sánchez; G Malcangi; A Mercanti; V Labate. Ozone Therapy: a clinical study on Pain Management. Proceeding of 19thOzone World Congress of the IOA. Tokyo, Aug 31-Sep 3, 2009: 203-210.21-Re L, A Randomized Clinical Study on Pain in patients treated with Ozone and NSAIDs, III World Congress Of OT, Brescia, 14-16 April 2011, Int J Ozonetherapy, P 42, Mon.,2011.22-Re L, The state of art in Ozone Therapy, Congress Istanbul, 29 April-1 May, 2011. 23-Re L, Physiological action of ozone, III Ibero American Congress of Ozone-Therapy, Rio de Janeiro, 7 -9 October 2011. 24-Re L, Evidenzia Basica y Clinica dell’Ozono Terapia, Primer Simposio Cileno de Ozonoterapia y Estrés Oxidativo, Santiago del Cile, 7 -9 October 2012.

25-Re L, Is ozone conditioning effect bind to Nrf2 pathway and hARE? An ongoing Study, IV WCOOT Bueno Aires, Argentina, October 30th, November 1st2013.26-LambertoRe, Ozone as a novel tool to integrate and complement the orthodox medicine: The State of the Art,The 2nd Complementary Medicine Conference ” The Use of Ozone In Medicine”, Abu Dhabi, UAE, April 19 2014.27-Lamberto Re, Ozone conditioning effect, Nrf2 pathway and EpRE. In vivo study during major autohemotherapy, European Ozone Congress, Ozone in Medicine Low-dose Concept Following the Internationally Published Guidelines, Zurich, Switzerland, October, 3 -5, 2014.28-Lamberto Re, Mechanisms of Action of Ozone, Recent Literature, and Newly Discovered Biochemical Pathways, AAO Annual 2015 Meeting, Dallas, USA, February, 19-21, 2015.29-Lamberto Re, Clinical Approaches Following International Protocols of Ozone Administration, AAO Annual 2015 Meeting, Dallas, USA, February, 19-21, 2015.30-Lamberto Re, Ozono E Sport: Un trattamento a rischio per il medico, II CONGRESSO NAZIONALE INTERDISCIPLINARE MEDICO GIURIDICO: La Responsabilità Professionale del Medico e della Struttura Sanitaria Pubblica e Privata, Roma 17 Aprile 2015.31-Lamberto Re, Ozonoterapia: Molto Più di un’Ipotesi Terapeutica Non Convenzionale: Nuove Vie Biochimiche, VII Congresso Nazionale FIO, Roma, 5-6 Giugno, 2015.32-Lamberto Re, Mechanisms of action of ozone: recent literature, and newly discovered biochemical pathways Clinical Approaches Following International Protocols of Ozone Administration, IOA 2015 Meeting, Barcelona, Spain, June, 28-July, 3, 2015.33-Lamberto Re, Biochemical Mechanisms activated by Autohemotherapy. Volterra, Settembre, 26, 2015.34-Lamberto Re, How Ozone Acts on Humans: Newly Discovered Mechanisms, International Advanced Ozone & Autologous Therapies Seminar, Istanbul, October 17-18, 2015.35-Lamberto Re, Ozone Therapy and New Methabolic Pathways following Autohemotherapy: Clinical Perspectives, II CONGRESSO NAZIONALE SIMCRI, LE NUOVE FRONTIERE: BIOMATERIALI, FATTORI DI CRESCITA E CELLULE STAMINALI -SCUOLA SUPERIORE DI POLIZIA. ROMA, 12-13 NOVEMBRE 2015.36-Lamberto Re, State of the Art in Ozone Therapy: from pain to immune modulation, 10° FORUM RISK MANAGEMENT IN SANITÀ, Arezzo 24-27 Novembre 2015.37-Lamberto Re, Actualizaciones sobre mecanismos de acción del ozono a nivel celular, V Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Ozono Terapia, Cordova, Spain, 12-13 May 2016.38-Lamberto Re, Advanced Concepts in Ozone Therapy Systemic Ozone Treatment, S.S.R.O.O.T., National Conference on Ozone Therapy, Bucharest, Romania, May 28th2016.39-Lamberto Re,Last discoveries on Ozone mechanisms at cellular level, VIII CFOT Annual Conference, URUMQI, China, September 28th–August 2nd2016.40-Lamberto Re, Ozone therapy and inflammation: an in vivo study to evaluate the possible involvement of the GSH, TXN based system and NF-kB-dependent genes. A preliminary study,Ozone European Congress, Charite, Berlin 24-26 March, 2017.41-Lamberto Re,Ozone Therapy: The Present and the Future, IX CFOT Annual Conference, XianYang, China, July 1st –July 2nd2017.42-Lamberto Re, Ozone Therapy in Cancer in combination with High Doses of Vit C and Relationship with NrF2, 31° Congresso Internazionale di Pratica Ortomolecolare, Sao Paulo, Brazil, June 2018.43-Lamberto Re,Ozone Therapy following the Approach of Systems Medicine: from Pain to Cancer, Canton Intervention Forum and VI WFOT Congress, Guangzhou, China, November 8th–11th2018.Certify followingart.s46, 47 e 76 of theD.P.R. n. 445/2000.Authorize the diffusion of my personal details, following D.lgs. 196 30thJune 2003
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