Speaker Listing 8

PhD in Biochemistry and Biological Sciences
PhD in Biochemistry and Biological Sciences, Havana University, Cuba. More than 30 years research in diseases of oxidative etiology.  More than 25 years research and teaching in pharmacology of medical ozone.  Award of the Cuban Academy of Sciences, Awards of Havana University and the Society of Cuban Pharmacology
Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences
Former Director of the Ozone Clinic of the National Center for Scientific Research (CNIC) of Cuba
M.CH.B, MD, D.Ph. Med. PH. D
Professor of reumathology Chief Consulting Rheumatologist Augusta Clinic, Bad Kreuznach
PhD Qualified in Medical Sciences, University Professor, Head of Geriatrics and Occupational Medicine, IP USMF "Nicolae Testemitanu"
Scientific Consultant in Medical Ozone (Technology and Pharmacology) Board Member of the International Ozone Association IOA; President Elect EA3G for 2023/24 Editorial board member of the scientific journal of the IOA: Ozone:Science & Engineering". Executive Board Member of the "Medical Society for Ozone Application in Prevention and Therapy”
General Surgery Ozone therapy and Chelation therapy expert Member of the Protocol Board of S.I.O.O.T.
MD , Orthopaedics surgery and traumatology , specialized in ozone therapy and posturology
President of WFOT Founding and President of the Romanian Scientific Society of Oxygen Ozone Therapy Founding member of the ISCO3 (The International Scientific Committee of Ozone Therapy)
The Nevada Center of Alternative and Anti-Aging Medicine
President and Founder of the American Academy of Ozonetherapy (A.A.O.T.)
Prof. & Dr.
School of Medicine of the University of Valencia (Spain), Professor of Human Anatomy.